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  1. S

    Do your under age kids drink w/you at home?

    So I guess we only follow those laws which we agree with now, and disregard the rest? I'm sorry I don't have that luxury, and as responsible adults/role models you shouldn't either. I agree some laws are frustrating and seem silly, but that doesn't mean we get to break them; we write our...
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    Do your under age kids drink w/you at home?

    I'm starting to realize why HBT received the nomination it did from the BN at the awards show. It was comments like these.
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    Dear God!

    I think I continued to watch mine until walking out to the brewery in the middle of the night and popping open the fermentation chamber became the issue. When we started brewing, and fermented inside the house I loved that "tick tick" of the air lock. We soon began fermenting in a chest freezer...
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    Do your under age kids drink w/you at home?

    Grumpy I actually cite for going five over. If its a residential and the posted speed limit is 25, if there is school in session it is 15. Going 5 over in that case results in a 55.00 cite. Same for construction zones, fines are doubled, so 5 over in a construction zone is usually automatically...
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    The best drinking city

    Sorry this was meant for another thread I'm subscribed to. Please disregard....defiantly time for bed
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    The best drinking city

    For me it was lucky lager. Hienikan and grolch in the states are pretty high up there which is strange because both those beers served in holland were fantastic!
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    Do your under age kids drink w/you at home?

    I must say absolutely not. The law states the drinking age is 21, so I will not authorize under age drinking. I understand the argument behind revealing the mystery behind alcohol to kids, and after living in europe for quite a while I see both sides of the coin. However, the law is the, and as...
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    First Attempt at Brewing w/o a Kit - Need Recipe Feedback!

    I agree with bob; the Amarillo hops are great bittering, but for a late addition aroma check out cascade or northern brewer.
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    my ipa is to sweet ah help

    I suppose I'm partial to west coast pales and IPAs, but most judges I judge with and talk to will score the beer down or not to style if a dry hop nose is not noticeable. The beer should be very balanced, but a hop bitterness and aroma should be prominent. As far as esters go I agree esters...
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    my ipa is to sweet ah help

    The pale ale should have SOME esters, but they shouldn't be over pronounced. As others have stated, it sounds like a fermentation issue. I would try a 1056 yeast with a big starter at 61 degrees. Raise the temp to 64 during conditioning after dry hopping. You did dry hop right? For some reason I...
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    First Attempt at Brewing w/o a Kit - Need Recipe Feedback!

    That looks pretty good. One thing I've learned with hops is the American high Alfa hops are great for bittering if you want the traditional citrus flavor. I have been playing with more European hops that give an earthy floral flavor. My house beer is an APA that gets brewed once a week. 15 lbs...
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    Dry Hopping A Dry Rye

    Hops on rye dry hops their rye, the hops really bring out the spicy character of the rye.
  13. S

    Elusive wheat beers?

    Commercial examples: Widmer 21 A hell or high watermelon wheat Hoegarden Sam Addams wheat Sierra nevada wheat Monk's blood I guess you could consider blue moon and shock top Moose drool has a wheat in the summer time Great white wheat
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    Beers that age faster

    Belgian wits and heffes are good beers that fall into the "session" category, and don't need much conditioning. Small English cask ales, Scottish 60 shilling, and ESBs are usually pretty enjoyable around the 4th week, and make for good cold whether beers. My double IPA gets a total of 8 weeks...
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    How long is your "hose"? I know it's a bit perdonal.

    You know for the money you might be happier just eating the 150.00 bucks and getting the second pump for single tier. I thought the same thing you did, and I am really happy I chose to go with the extra pump. In fact I just bought a third pump on eBay that is used for running the cooled wort...
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    How long is your "hose"? I know it's a bit perdonal.

    I do a recirc in the mash and a recirc sparge, so all the hoses get used the whole time. During the lautering I just switch two hoses from kettles to pumps, but the configuration pretty much stays the same. It's HLT with the infuser-Sparge arm-pump 1- mash then HLT-sparge arm-pump-pump-BK. I'm...
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    How long is your "hose"? I know it's a bit perdonal.

    We brew on the B3 1100, and while it's not exactly the same as the Brutus, the design is basically identical. We replace our hoses about every 12 months, and cut each one to 3 feet from kettle to pump. I'll post a pic to better clarify.
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    Fermentation temps

    If your thermometer is reading 58, then chances are your beer is around 65. That's just fine so long as you can maintain that temp.
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    Fermentation temps

    Ambient temp is the temperature that your "fermentation chamber" is set. That would be the air temp around the fermenter. The temp to be concerned with is the temp of the liquid. The beer will usually be roughly 10 degrees warmer than the area you are fermenting in. I use a thermowell in my...
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    The best drinking city

    In all seriousness I do strongly recommend checking out SF beer week. 12 days of craft brew conventions. The barley wine festival is pretty rockin too. 50 different barley wines in one local can't be beat. There are few times I won't work, but NHC, GABF, BNA, and SF beer week are justifiable...