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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. E

    Caffeinated root beer

    I've got an old 2 1/2 gallon keg I don't use so I thought I'd make some caffeinated root beer to keep on tap. I bought some Zatarain's extract and some pure caffeine capsules (200mg) to give it a shot. Luckily I decided to test dissolving the contents of the caffeine capsules in water prior...
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    Grain floating during sparge

    I have a 10 gallon keggle HERMS system and have had a hard time sparging lately. Everything looks and acts normally during the mash. The grain bed is set, the wort is clear you can see the grain bed through the wort. When I start heating the mash up for mash out a large amount of grain starts...
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    Temperature stratification during chilling

    I'm having trouble chilling my keggle setup. I have a keggle with a whirlpool arm setup. After the boil I start the recirculation through the whirlpool arm to get all my trub into the center of the keggle. After a few minutes I'll start recirculating the wort through my plate chiller (with a...
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    Starter from yeast slant

    I'm trying to make a starter from a yeast slant of Bell's house strain. I've followed the instructions in the wiki, located here The guide says to feed the 250ml starter the next day with 500ml of wort. The question is, should I already be seeing activity from the 250ml starter prior to...
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    Fermentation chamber got too cold and stalled Wyeast 1968 batch

    I brewed an English mild last week using Wyeast 1968 and put it into my fermentation chamber in the garage. Everything started off fine, then the temperatures here in Texas dropped like a rock and my freezer fermentation temp dropped to 52 while I was out of town on business. I've since moved...
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    Keg polishing question regarding polishing disc

    I recently came into possession of 3 keg gels, all of them stock dull stainless. I want to polish them up. I've read most of the threads here and started gathering supplies. Most of the threads mention you should use Gator discs on an angle grinder. I found the Fine disc, but can't find a...
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    Harvesting commercial yeast, may have made my starter too strong

    This is my first attempt at harvesting commercial yeast and I think I've made a mistake. I want to make a Two Hearted clone, so I figured I'd harvest some yeast from 3 bottles of Midwestern Pale Ale that I have. I guess my mind went on autopilot when I was making the starter because I used...
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    More dry hop volume = less dry hop time required?

    I have a beer that has finished fermentation and is now on schedule for dry hopping. I plan to dry hop with 2oz of Citra pellets prior to kegging. Now something has come up and I'd like to have this beer ready to go for a weekend event at my house. Can I get the same effect of 2oz of Citra dry...
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    Forgot to check OG after boil

    I did my first AG brew this weekend, a SMASH Citra brew. The target OG was 1.055, after batch sparging I tested the 6.5 gallons of wort and came up with 1.044, but completely forgot to test again after boiling down to about 5 gallons (I'd had quite a few home brews while boiling). How much does...
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    Is the tank pressure gauge accurate while in fridge?

    I just bought a regulator/CO2 tank combo (I used the cartridges and naturally carbonated in the past) and found out first hand that you need to check for leaks. I drained an entire 5lb tank overnight. Back to the distributor to get the tank refilled. Not one to repeat the same mistake I...
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    Deep Ellum IPA clone recipe?

    Does anyone have a DEBC IPA clone recipe they would like to share? I have never tried to make a clone recipe before but I used BeerSmith and some research from the web to match their ingredients/IBU/SRM. I haven't actually tried to make it yet, wondering if somebody already had one. If not...
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    Siphon from brew kettle to primary?

    I'm doing my first partial mash today. I've only done extract in the past. I was wondering about the hops pellets I'm adding. Do they NEED to go into the fermenter? Should I siphon the wort from my kettle to the primary, which would kind of filter it?
  13. E

    Did I just create a whole batch of bottle bombs?

    I decided to move up from Mr. Beer to a beginners kit. I made a Brew House Munich Dark Lager kit. The kit has instructions for 6 gallons, I put it into my 6.5 bucket fermenter with an airlock and quickly realized how important it is to use a blow off tube. After cleaning up the mess I transfered...