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  1. B

    Angel Yeast no mash needed yeast + enzymes

    Has anyone played with this? Some distillers are starting to use it, it contains enzymes that will convert the starches into sugars during fermentation at nearly 75%+ efficiency. I can barely get over 72%! Basically you add your crushed grains(or rice, sorghum, corn, etc..) into warm water and...
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    Kviek in a quad?

    I'm considering making my standard quad, but using Voss kveik instead of the usual Belgian yeasts. Has anyone done this? Any thoughts?
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    Spontaneous ferment temps

    I'm looking at the forecast for tomorrow night and the temps will be in the low 40's. That's about as cold as it gets here. Is that too warm? My plan would be to do a turbid-ish mash with wheat, a quick boil with about 5 IBU's and leave my kettle outside overnight, transfer to the carboy in...
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    First braggot, critiques and tips welcomed

    I just made the first half of my first braggot. I made up a "clean out the brewroom" Belgian quad-ish braggot recipe and plan and got it going today. I've made mead, but was almost 20 years ago, and have never made a braggot. Please give me critiques/advice. 6gals final OG est. 1.14, FG...
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    No hop kettle sours

    I recently moved and finally got to brewing again. I made 3 kettle sours, all with no hops to ensure maximum performance of my LAB, L plantarum from Goodbelly added to wort @100F and left to sour for 72hrs+. I didn't boil them to kill the LAB, just pitched yeast and Orval dregs into the...
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    Recipe/ method critique

    I'll be brewing a "white wine" saison to dump onto a cake of 3711 and want to sour it up. Here's what I'm planning, please give me any input. 9lbs pale 2 row 2lbs red wheat 1/4lb acidulated malt Nelson Sauvin hops Mash grains @ 150 for 60mins, and boil for 15mins. No hops. Cool to 85F and...
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    Extra long kettle sour?

    So I mashed and put my wort into my cleaned and sanitized igloo cooler at 100F and added 3 shots of Goodbelly on Tuesday afternoon. Life hit me hard and I was only just now, 96hrs+, able to boil and cool and pitch yeast. How sour is this sucker going to be? Wort was 1.06 when I added the...
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    Adding Orval dregs to a keg?

    I made a clone of Orval and will be kegging it whern it is finished fermenting along with Orval dregs that I'm building up to about 2 pints. It will be stored in my basement at around 60F until the funk is there. So how long do you think it will take for the brett funk to kick in gear?
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    Delirium Nocturnum, why no clone?

    It's a better beer than a lot of beers that are cloned, it is sold everywhere, it should be a pretty simple recipe, so why no clones? Just wondering. I was just having one and did a search for clone recipes, and there were surprisingly none. :confused:
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    Wlp 545?

    What have been your experiences with WLP 545? There isn't too much info on it other than being from the Ardennes region and being a strong attenuator. What flavors have you gotten at different temps with this Has anyone figured out the brewery it comes from? Any info is welcome since there isn't...
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    Re-yeasting a high abv% with Chimay?

    I brewed my highest abv% quad ever recently, 1.016 OG to 1.024FG ~17.3%, and am guessing it will need to have some more yeast added at bottling. Do you guys think that Chimay yeast will work, or should I use champagne yeast?
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    Post your explosions!

    We've probably all had them, the reason that blow-off tubes exist. Lids blown off of fermentors so hard that they dent the ceiling(done that!), sticky spray inside a closet, etc. Let's see some good ones! My most recent one, a high gravity that blew the top off the bucket: One a few...
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    I'm thinking of building my winter stockpile by making extract recipes, problems??

    I am thinking of switching from taking all day to make 2 all grain recipes, to making 3-4 maybe 5 recipes a day by using extracts. Just a 1 hr boil, cooldown, clean and on to the next one. Specialty grains, if any, would be steeped in a separate smaller pot and added to the main boil before...
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    High gravity non-hefeweiss with WY3068

    I'll be kegging my hefeweiss brewed with the monster of a yeast that is WY3068(it always finishes in 4-5 days tops with a teeny tiny pitch!), and want to try something with the yeast cake. I was thinking a quad recipe, just with this yeast instead of a Trappist yeast. Maybe a big Imperial Stout...
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    My old Trois starter is sour?

    Not sure if I have an infection or not. If it is I'll toss it, but wanted to see what you guys say. I have an old jar of Trois washed yeast that I took out of the fridge to use in an IPA. As it started to warm it became visibly active and I had to crack the lid to release the pressure. When I...
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    Wanting to get the most Brett character(funk) possible

    I'll be brewing another Orval clone again, I love them. But it takes so long to get where I really enjoy the stronger funk of the Brett Brux. I'm wondering what I can do to get it there faster/stronger? I want a super horsey/schweddy/melted plastic band-aids funky beer, but don't want to wait 6+...
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    Wyeast 3864

    So I got this again and have a Tripel starting to ferment at 66F. How warm have you taken this? Any off flavors due to higher temps after a few days? I normally start cool, then after high Krausen let my ferments get up into the mid 70's to get more fruity flavors that I enjoy.
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    Guess I'll join!

    Hi, Long time lurker. I've been brewing since 1995. Fermented everything under the sun including an all habanero! Wine, beer, something REALLY strong, mead, etc.... Been in a few clubs too. I have kinda slowed down the past few years due to other interests, but I'm getting the cravings...