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  1. K

    Cream of wheat in mash?

    So I've been interested in making a wheat beer for a little while... a while ago I had a nice bottle-conditioned wheat beer and I saved the yeast at the bottom. I decided this weekend that I was going to try to revive that yeast which had been sitting in the bottle for a couple of months. Now...
  2. K

    Max pot size for stove top brewing

    I have a similar size pot that did the same thing when I tested it with tap water -- wouldn't boil unless the lid was part-way on. I did my first brew with it yesterday, though, and I noticed that I could keep the wort boiling even without the lid... I assume that the foam covering most of the...
  3. K

    How many gallons of Brandon O's Graff have been made?

    124.3 + 5 = 129.3 gallons
  4. K

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    What's your normal gravity readings and/or ABV? Is this a big cider like Apfelwein or smaller?
  5. K

    Counting bubbles...

    For all of you out there who don't follow this advice... SparkFun Electronics - Bubble Logger
  6. K

    water on tap

    My SWMBO really likes seltzer... I don't have a kegging setup yet but someday I will. This sounds like a really interesting way to always have carbonated water on tap, if you could leave the house water, gas in and water out lines always connected. Wouldn't you need a check valve somewhere...
  7. K

    Geeks learn to control yeasties ;)

    I just saw this and I think it's pretty cool! But the popular press kind of over-represented it a little bit. All the researchers did was control flocculation -- when the yeast are done and drop into the trub, leaving you with clear beer. They didn't actually make any new flavors... yet. What...
  8. K

    Hard cider not fermenting?

    It's probably starting slow because in your starter, the yeast were happily munching away on beer sugars (maltose)... you dumped the starter into your cider, diluting them into a whole bunch of fructose from the apples. They have to get used to the new environment with the new sugars, which...
  9. K

    Hard cider not fermenting?

    12 hours is too soon to start getting nervous. My ciders generally don't start for at least 24 hours. Don't worry, you've got time...
  10. K

    Spurhund Zunge

    I'm trying for a 1-2 gal batch since I'm not sure if I'll like it :) I have a 2 gal stock pot for the boil.
  11. K

    Spurhund Zunge

    Do you have an extract version of this recipe?
  12. K

    This is pretty sketchy but...

    I did just that a couple of weeks ago, except I used bread yeast we had lying around, and a balloon over the mouth of the jug. It's getting close to finishing, and it already tastes pretty good :) a little bready but that's fine. I was just looking for a "proof of concept" before I invested in...